Magic Rain

Raman VK


About this album

V.K.Raman worked as a staff flautist at All India Radio, Banglore, for several years. He is now a fulltime teacher and performer. A disciple of the highly regarded Dr.N.Ramani, he has also played and recorded with big fusion bands.

In this album, Raman takes up popular folk airs from Karnataka and conjures his own musical pictures. These melodies are popularly sung all over the Kannada-speaking region, and their words evoke a series of Lovely rustic images.

Ghallu Ghallenuta, called Dancing Bells on this album, talks of the sounds of anklets as people dance and celebrate the festival of colours. Mayadantha male bantanna (called Magic rain) describes the arrival of the magical, life-giving rain and the unstoppable rush of water.

Raman picks up eight such folk melodies, turns them into themes, and weaves a series of dreamy narratives.


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