Omanakutti K

Omanakutti K

Violin Player
Abdul Hazeez TM
Ghatam Player
Tripunithura N Radhakrishnan
Mridangam Player
Parassala Ravi

About this album

Dr. K. Omanakutti has earned much appreciation in the Carnatic music field for her deep skill and knowledge in music. Her scholarly pursuits have been enriched by her practical approach to the performing art of Carnatic vocal music. In this album,
Dr.Omanakutti has sung five lively numbers for the listening pleasure of music lovers.

1. The kriti 'Sarasiruhasana Priye', addressed to Goddess Saraswati is a composition of a contemporary composer Puliyur Sri Doraiswamy Iyer. It is set in Nata Raga and Adi Tala. The Goddess of Learning is described as one who is pleased constantly
with the music of the Veena and one who is ever joyful. The form, beauty and graceful qualities of the deity are also described in the lyric.

2. While speaking of the greatness of Rama bhakti or decotion, Sri Thyagaraja sings the praise of the Lord, the varied devotional approaches of Lakshmana, Bharat, Lakshmi, the monkeys and others who surrender to the Lord Supreme over and again just like the Saint singer who is elated with joy of having achieved to be a Rama Bhakta. The kriti is 'Aparama Bhakti' (Pantuvarali - Rupakam).

3. Meditating on the eternal Purusha, the giver of prosperity, the Supreme Lord Padmanabha, is the main idea conveyed through the song of
'Bhoogeendra Sayinam', a composition of the royal patron of Trivancore, Maharaja Sri Swati Tirunal. This is set in Kuntalavarali Raga and Khanda Chapu Tala.

4. Papanasam Sivan's Sanskrit composition on Lord Vishnu as Srinivasa (Kharaharapriya - Rupakam), sings the praise of the Lord who is called as the protector of the meek, the dweller of Sri Venkata hill and whose feet are meditated upon by the devotee.

5. 'Omana Thingal Kidavo' is a well known lullaby by Iraiyamman Thampi, a court poet at the Travancore kingdom, who sang this to the child Sri Swati Tirunal as a special song in praise of the beauty of the little prince which he says surpasses that of the moon. This composition is set in Raga Neelambari and Tala Misra Chapu.


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