Gaana Srestam

OS. Thyagarajan

Violin Player
Kanyakumari A
Ghatam Player
Suresh V
Mridangam Player
Mannargudi Easwaran

About this album

Thayagarajan had his initial training in classical Carnatic Music under his father, O.V.Subramanyam. His inherent talents were later honed by Sri Lalgudi G.Jayaraman and Shri T.M.Thyagarajan later graduated him to be an accomplished vocal singer.

Sri Thyagarajan signs to perfect sruthi alignment conforming to laya and the krithis and ragas were rendered by him with a cascade of excellent swaras. The rewarding display of his reflects the unalloyed traditional features of ragas. The artiste with his melodious mellifluous rendition attracts the listener's attention.


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