Naada Sudha Rasa Vol 3

MS. Subbulakshmi

Mridangam Player
Murthi TK
Ghatam Player
Vikku Vinayakaram TH

About this album

M.S.Subbulakshmi, the greatest living legend of India is known for her style in Carnatic music which has a definite standard of excellence. Her music is characteristic of Sruti Shuddam, Bhava and tonal beauty. Art music has seen only a handful of personalities like her, who have had such a far-reaching impact on the listeners at regional, national and international levels. This album is yet another everlasting feast for all her rasikas, when her voice continues to ring in their ears. As Gandhiji once said 'Her voice has a direct appeal to the gods' and is thus Universally accepted, that Smt. M.S. Subbulakshmi does not sing, she makes divinity manifest.


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