Lalgudi G Jayaraman 1

Lalgudi Jayaraman

Mridangam Player
Vellore Ramabhadran
Violin Player
Krishnan GJR

About this album

The violin maestro Lalgudi Jayaraman, a world-renowned artiste with outstanding reputation has played in this album, accompanied by his versatile son G.J.R.Krishnan.

1. Lalgudi Jayaraman's Varnam (Charukesi - Adi) is the opening number of this album.

2. A rare krithi of Thyagaraja (Phalamanjari - Adi), describes the agony of the composer who addresses Lord Rama as the moon in the dynasty of emperors, for not showing any display of His grace in one who is His own.

3. Patnam Subramanya Iyer in his kriti 'Aparadha' (Lathangi - Adi), begs pardon with the Lord for all his follies and seeks His support.

4. In 'Sogasu Jooda' (Kannada Gowla - Rupakam) Thyagaraja sings in admiration of the beautiful form of Lord Rama, explaining each of the physical features of the deity that excel in brilliance.

5. 'Paramaathmudu' (Vagadheeswari - Adi), a composition of Thyagaraja, brings in the powers of Supreme Lord Rama who manifests Himself in everything and everywhere in the innumerable worlds; thus speaking of the all-pervading force of the deity who constantly dwells in holy devotees like Thyagaraja.

6. How much ever learned, or widely traveled to Holy places, one is bound to become a slave of women, if he does not bestow constant thought on the right path that is after the heart of the Lord of Lakshmi, says the saint singer Thyagaraja in his kriti 'Enta Nerchina' (Suddha Dhanyasi - Adi).


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