Young Masters

Hyderabad Brothers

Mridangam Player
Lakshminarayan Raju M
Violin Player
Peri Srirama Moorthy

About this album

By the grace of God Hyderabad Brothers were privileged to be born into an orthodox musical family. Their initial training was perfect and systematic and was imparted by their father, the late D. Ratnama Charyulu, renowned for his erudition in musical science and sahitya. This training was intensive and always in the pure classical mould, never departing from tradition. Their mother, Smt. Sulochanadevi, a musician in her own right, continues to inspire them in their endeavor to attain perfection.

For some time, one of them (Raghavachary) learnt music from the late Susarla Sivaram.

Many factors have helped their to perform as a duo. As brothers, they have absorbed the same style, tradition and musical training and their voices synchronize in perfect concordance.

Their family tradition has made them approach music in a spirit of reverence, and to respect the reaction of their listeners. They were always mindful of sruti and laya and they make a careful study of lyrics so that the musical setting blends with their mood and sentiments.


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