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Hindi devotional song is referred to as Bhajans. Bhajans trace their origin in antiquity, comprising of hymns and prayer songs devoted to God, in praise of Him. These sacred hymns are sung in adoration and in complete submission to the Hindu Gods. The form can be rendered through light classical or repetitive chants in simple language. Nirguni, Gorakhanathi, Vallabhapanthi, Ashtachhap and Madhura-bhakti are traditional kinds of Bhajan. Kirtan is another form of devotional music rooted to Vedic tradition. Dholak and tabla are common Indian percussion along with melodic harmonium forms the base of music. Mantra is another very sacred form of devotional songs. The words are often in Sanskrit and are chanted in devotion and concentration in deep meditation. Prayers to God are generally done through devotional songs which also influence the inner minds of human beings due to the absorbing sounds of music.

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