Gaana Thejaswini

Vijayalakshmi Subramaniam

Violin Player
Usha Rajagopalan
Ghatam Player
Gopalakrishnan R
Mridangam Player
Prasad KV

About this album

Vijayalakshmy Subramaniam, a sangeet Shiromani of Delhi University, Sangeet Alankar of Gandharva Mahavidhyalaya and a post Graduate in Economics took to music at a very early age. She was initiated to the beauty of Carnatic music at her fifth year and has her advance training under eminent Vidhwans Shri S.Rajam, Shri. T.R.Subramaniam and V.R.Krishnan, who have honed her inherent musical talents to blossom to concert level.

Vijayalakshmy Subramaniam is endowed with a captivating, rich and melodic voice. Her good control on Rhythm, Diction and Bhava filled rendition of songs has earned her considerable attention to the musical circles.

She has given performances at all foremost Music Sabhas and Music Associations in India. She has given concerts in Malaysia, New Zealand and Australia.


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