Pancharatna Kritihis

Sikkil Sisters

Violin Player
Kanyakumari A
Ghatam Player
Subramanian EM
Mridangam Player
Srimushnam V Raja Rao

About this album

Sikkil Sisters - Smt.Kunjumani and Smt.Neela have carved out a niche in the firmament of Carnatic Music. They have been performing together for over four decades now. Their gamaka style is unique. They also weave intricate laya patterns, all the time sustaining the musical melody.

The Government of Tamil Nadu had conferred the Kalaimamani title on them.

In this collection, they have rendered the pancharatnas of Thyagaraja, preceded by two pieces, one on Lord Ganapathy and the other on the Guru concluding the rendition with the suruti Kirthana 'Geetharthamu' of Thyagaraja.


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