
Shashikiran KN

About this album

Shashikiran has the proud privilege of belonging to a unique musical lineage, being the grandson of the Gottuvadyam maestro, the Late K.S. Narayana Iyengar, a renowned court musician of the erstwhile state of Mysore. He is the son of Vidwan N.Narasimhan and the brother of N.Ravikiran, the outstanding exponent of Chitra Veena (the modern nomenclature of the Gottuvadyam).

Shashikiran has a rich, resonant, resilient voice that lends itself to imaginative, musical articulation. He has excellent academic qualification and is presently engaged in completing his Ph.D. in music. He is a fine artiste among the younger generation of musicians and is much sought after in the concert fore. This album of his, is an indication of the extremely bright future that is in store for him.


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