Moonlit Melodies


Violin Player
Embar S Kannan
Ghatam Player
Mridangam Player
Vankayala Ramanamoorthy

About this album

Hailing from a family of musicians, Shashank's talents were discovered when he was barely nine months old and his amazing memory for tunes and sense of rhythm put him years ahead of normal children. Shashank, under the blessings and guidance of the flute wizard Sri T.R.Mahalingam or fondly known as Mali, learnt vocal music from vidwans like Sri K.V. Narayanaswamy. Shashank has evolved a concert pattern imbibing the best of North and South Indian classical. He is highly creative, spontaneous and enthralls the listeners with his amazing speed and perfection.

The compositions that he has rendered here have been the choicest and his Ragam/Tanam/Pallavi in Kalyani is excellent. Shashank has brought out the grandeur of Raag Kalyani and has touched the finer aspects of the raga. Each sangati flows like a gentle stream and is very mellifluous. His music has a Universal Appeal.


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