
U. Rajesh

Mridangam Player
Palanivel AK
Ghatam Player
Vikku Vinayakaram TH

About this album

Born on the 17th of May 1977 at Palakol, Andhra Pradesh, Rajesh is the last child of Shri U.Satyanarayana and Smt. Kantham and Brother of Mandolin Maestro Shri U.Srinivas. Tutored under the guidance of his father and brother, Rajesh started playing Carnatic Classical Music on Mandolin at the young age of 6 and gave his first concert at Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam in the presence of His Holiness Shri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi Swamigal. Since then he has been performing extensively in India and abroad both alone and along with his brother.

He has traveled far and wide in his musical journey and has performed in all major cities around the world. The most unforgettable among all his concerts are the performances at 'Prasanthi Nilayam' in the Divine presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, at the prestigious International Mandolin Festival held at Rudolstadt Germany organised by Folk and Tanz festival, Loncohn Centre Newyork BBC Live at London, Melbourne Concert Hall, Australia and at the cite de le musiqe, Paris.

He is an avid listener of various forms of Music across the world. This exposure has always motivated him to nurture dreams of blending music forms of different origin and creating a whole new form of Music. His ultimate dream lies in binding the world by a common musical language that will cross the barriers of generation by being a bridge that gaps the older and the newer generations; a music that surpasses boundaries of age, time, sex, caste, creed, economy etc.

According to him, the purpose of music is not to produce a ready-made audience with 'well-informed' tastes; it is decidedly not the object to produce a market for specific goods; it is to produce a musical climate both open-minded and critical, to produce musical skills and crafts, and to encourage human beings to be humane.

Music being a special form of thought can express nothing but itself.


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