Ravi Shankar And Ali Akbar Khan In Concert 1972 Vol 1

Pandit Ravi Shankar

Sarod Player
Ali Akbar Khan (Ustad)

About this album

A Double CD Collaboration Between the Two Great Masters of Indian Instrumental Music, Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan, was a Rare Occurrence and this Recording was made at their Memorable Concert at the Philharmonic Hall, New York on October 8th, 1972. The Strict Rules and Intricacies Governing Indian Classical Music Pose Difficulties for an Improvising Musician, However These Two Geniuses Manage to Conjure Up Phrases to Tantalize One Another, to Coax Certain Responses, to Challenge and Query, Each Time with a Result More Fantastic Than Before. Truly a Meeting of the Souls.


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