Datar DK

Pandit DK. Datar

Tambura Players
Madhukar Datar, Sunil Gavande
Violin Player
Milind Raikar
Tabla Player
Omkar Gulvadi

About this album

The violin is one of the earliest foreign instruments making entry into Indian Classical music. It is a stringed instrument played with a bow. A western violinist stands up and plays the violin whereas an Indian squats or sits on a platform and plays the violin. The tonal qualities of violin have made it acceptable in Indian Music as an instrument of accompaniment and solo performances.

Pandit Datar D.K was born on 14 October 1932. He belongs to the Pandit Vishnu Digambar Paluskar tradition of Gwalior Gharana. Pandit Datar is the nephew of late Pandit D.V. Paluskar.

Pandit Datar took initial training in violin from Pandit Vighneshwar Shastri. With further guidance from Pandit D.V.Paluskar be evolved a gaayakee style of violin. Superb bowing technique and systematic presentation of ragas are his assets. He had the privilege of accompanying the Late Pandit D.V. Paluskar on may occasions. This association has brought 'rasa' in Panditji's renditions. Panditiji excels in lighter varieties of music too.

He received 'Sangeet Natak Akademi Award' in 1996 and Maharashtra State Government's Cultural Award in 1998 for his valuable contribution to music. He has widely traveled in U.S.A, Canada, U.K, Europe, Ireland, Japan, U.A.E, Nepal and Singapore.

Here Panditji has played raga Bihag, raga Kedar and Natya sangeet.


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