Enthralling Melodies

S. Gayathri

Violin Player
Hemalatha R
Kanjira Player
Papanasam Sethuraman
Mridangam Player
Melakaveri Balaji

About this album

Gayathri, being gifted with a rich melodious, scintillating voice, trained by senior musicians like Vigal S.Gnanaskandan. Her vast musical experience resulting in fine fusion of melody and harmony. Her style of singing based on fine nuances carving a niche for herself.

1. Gayatri begins her recital with Thyagaraja's masterpiece 'Chakkani Raja' in the 22nd melakarta raga Kharaharapriya, adi tala set in a characteristically slow gait, the lyrics serve to bring out the mood of this raga, which allows extensive, elaborate treatment.

2. Next, Gayatri presents 'Needan tunai', a composition of contemporary composer N.S.Chidambaram, set to ragamalika, misra chapu.

3. This is followed by the popular kriti, 'Om Namo Narayana by Ambujam Krishna. This is set in the appealing raga Karnaranjani (Janyam of Kharaharapriya), Khanda chapu tala.

4. Gayatri concludes with Gopalakrishna Bharati's highly evocative composition, 'Irakkam Vaasamal', in the mellifluous raga Behag, Rupaka tala.


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